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A weekly podcast forwriters -- published, wannabe, or anywhere in between. Get the time, energy, & courage you need to pursue your passion & write every day.

Thank you for listening, and happy writing! -- Sarah

Dec 4, 2017

What do writers do when they're not working on their novels? Corey Vilhauer is glad you asked! Let's talk about online journalism, copyediting, and UX!

Nov 16, 2017

Fantasy author HelenScheuerer explains how exercise, daily routine, and group critiques fuel her writing and helped publish her latest novel.

Nov 8, 2017

NaNoWriMo Executive Producer Grant Faulkner talks about the process behind National Novel Writing Month, as well as how to develop superhuman creativity!

Nov 1, 2017

Scalable income? IP assets? No problem! Podcaster and author Joanna Penn shares some realistic options to turn your writing side-hustle into a career.

Oct 23, 2017

Instagram, poetry, and therapy through storytelling. Lora Mitchell shares her love of the written word and her journey to self publishing.