Feb 24, 2021
Do you ever feel guilty, as a writer? It’s more common than you think. Writers feel guilty for writing too much, not enough, “selfishly” taking time away from their families, making money, not making money… the list goes on. Today let’s talk about writer’s guilt and how to begin to alleviate it.
For show...
Feb 17, 2021
Some, if not most of us, have been in survival mode at one point or another. Survival mode means that you're barely hanging on by your fingernails, doing what you need to in order to get through the day in one piece. But it’s not the most pleasant way to live, and it’s possible to not just survive but thrive....
Feb 10, 2021
Do you consider yourself a “productive” creator? Productivity seems to be everywhere these days, and we spend a ton of time planning our days to ensure we get the most done we can in the time we have. In this week's episode, we’re going to look at productivity in a different way. So if you have been struggling and...
Feb 3, 2021
Do you ever feel like when you sit down to write, there's just nothing there? Many writers will say that the blank page is their biggest fear — and it can represent many different obstacles. In this week’s episode, I am going to share some reasons you may be experiencing writer's block and a few things you can do to...