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A weekly podcast forwriters -- published, wannabe, or anywhere in between. Get the time, energy, & courage you need to pursue your passion & write every day.

Thank you for listening, and happy writing! -- Sarah

Jan 27, 2016

Episode 008: Deane Barker
Hi friends! Welcome to your monthly Coffee Break episode of the Write Now podcast.

Today I want to share with you the delightful and fun conversation I had with Deane Barker, who has been an authority in the web content management space since the mid-'90s and is wrapping up his first book on...

Jan 22, 2016

One thing I always want to stress in the Write Now podcast is the fact that you are not alone. Despite what you might feel, despite what you might what (or think you want), you're not alone. This is important. And it's the focus of Episode 035 of the Write Now podcast.

Before we begin, a quick note that I've made it...

Jan 14, 2016


Oh, my friends. It's time for episode 034 of the Write Now podcast. And I am so glad about that. :)

Before we begin, a quick note that I've made it easier than ever before to support the work I do with the Write Now podcast with my new Tip Jar! :D

All right, enough of that. Let's begin.
"Who gave you permission to be...

Jan 4, 2016

Welcome to episode 033 of the Write Now podcast! Today I am answering the question, "As a writer, do I need a website?" I am also answering the inevitable follow-up questions of "Why?" and "How?" Stay tuned!

Though as you listen, please note: I am not a lawyer! So please take what I say in this episode as my own...