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A weekly podcast forwriters -- published, wannabe, or anywhere in between. Get the time, energy, & courage you need to pursue your passion & write every day.

Thank you for listening, and happy writing! -- Sarah

Feb 13, 2018

Writer, pastor, and podcaster Matthew Brough talks about baby steps, the ups and downs of self publishing, and how he helped his 70-year-old mother publish her first novel.

Jan 22, 2018

Thriller author and podcaster Joseph Bendoski talks literary psychology, media manipulation, and the prehistoric survival instincts of storytelling.

Nov 1, 2017

Scalable income? IP assets? No problem! Podcaster and author Joanna Penn shares some realistic options to turn your writing side-hustle into a career.

Oct 12, 2017

Author Randal Greene exposes the secret life of a full-time writer, as well as a sure-fire way to capture 'the muse' and beat writer's block!

Sep 13, 2017

Author Katie Cross talks having it all: a loving family, a legitimate writing career, and a supportive network of peers. It's possible AND practical!