Oct 26, 2015
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It's November--and you know what that means! Or maybe you don't, in which case I'll tell you: it's NATIONAL NOVEL WRITING MONTH! And the way I see it, November is a time to celebrate all writers, not just novelists. That includes you. Get ready for the writing frenzy with episode...
Oct 22, 2015
Episode 004: Dave Booda
It's time to sit back, relax, and enjoy another episode
of Coffee Break.
Dave Booda (that's him, with the magnificent man-bun) of the Darken the Page podcast got in touch with me a while ago about recording a podcast episode together, and I thought it sounded like a great idea.
Oct 19, 2015
Help support this podcast! >>
Episode 026 of the Write Now podcast is once again
sponsored by my good friend Dave Booda at the Darken the Page
podcast. Check it out!
Life isn't always as amazing as we'd like it to be.
...To put it lightly.
Sometimes the Powers That Be decide that juggling the usual work/life/writing...
Oct 3, 2015
Episode 003: Matt Paulson
Hey friends. It's time for another Coffee Break!
Today, I'm speaking to my good friend Matt Paulson, the author of two books and finance blogger-turned-entrepreneur.
Matt is a smart dude who did something really interesting. He built a software program to gather financial data and generate blog...